Saturday, October 20, 2007

I've been tagged!

Long, long ago, and because my blog is so sadly neglected, I'm just doing it now!

So, the lovely Terrie tagged me, and I have to list 7 random facts about myself and then tag 7 other people by leaving comments on their blogs. So, here I go.
  1. I'm a country girl, born and raised, transplanted to town life.
  2. I play piano.
  3. The piano I own was my grandmother's, the one that she learned to play on. (Hmm. I need to do a layout about that.)
  4. In a previous life, before I had two children, I worked with a local sheltie rescue. Check them out here: Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue
  5. Some of my ancestors have been in the country long enough to qualify me for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution. I've never joined.
  6. I'm a great-aunt four times over.
  7. I'm married to an avid bow-hunter, a fact which tends to structure most of my life from October to January.
Now, off to tag a few unsuspecting friends!


Tricia said... I have to do the tag again?? ROFLMBO....Zarah tagged me with the same thing and I am pretty boring was hard finding "random" facts about myself! ME!!!

It is nice to see your blog updated my friend! HUGS!

Jamie said...

Sweet fancy Moses! I was clicking through my blog links expecting the usual non-updated Ann blog then... voila :) :)